Certificate Mark User Guide
  • Certification Service
  • Certificate Mark User Guide

Organizations that have received management system certification from K-Certi can promote the acquisition of certification for the certified parts for the period from the day the certificate is issued and use the certification marking. Details of this are as follows, and the certification organization must comply.Details of this are as follows, and the certification organization must comply.

Types of certification marks

The KAB accreditation body accreditation mark shall be used with the K-Certi certification mark, and the KAB accreditation body mark shall be used with the accreditation number for certification status.

Types of management systems Specified number Types of management systems Specified number
Quality management KAB-QC-18 Food safety management KAB-FC-04
Environmental management KAB-EC-08 Anti-bribery management KAB-AC-06
Safety and health management KAB-OC-14

Instructions for using the certification sign

A certification organization may only use the marks of the accreditation body or certification organization for which the organization is registered.

How to use

  • Accreditation marks and certification organization marks may be used by zooming and shrinking the original, but the ratio shall be maintained and shall be at least 15 mm wide and 10 mm long.
  • The accreditation mark and certification organization mark shall be the original colour in principle and may be used in black and white.
  • Accreditation marks cannot be used alone(certification organization marks can be used exclusively). Use a combination of accreditation numbers for each applicable standard at the bottom of the mark.
  • Accreditation marks and certification organization marks shall be used only within the specified range and validity period, and in the event of their cancellation or reduction, the use of the recognition and certification authority marks shall immediately be stopped.
  • In principle, in order to avoid confusion between the accreditation mark and the certification mark, the recognition mark shall be arranged in such a way that it is located on the right or bottom as follows:
  • Up and down symmetries
  • Left and right symmetries

How to use certification marks

Certification signs may be used for promotional materials related to recognized areas, but shall not be used for product or product packaging, and the details are as follows.

If the use of the certification mark is allowed
  • packing of products : Packaging used to promote safety or convenience of distribution of products, etc, Meaning that the product can be removed without being dismantled or damaged
  • Advertising or promotional materials : printed, printed or other means of advertising, such as nameplates, business cards and brochures, brochures, documents, invoices, certificates and certificates of certification/training institutions that are not classified as products of cerfitication organization by industry classifications.
  • Note 1 : The phrase identifies the authenticated client(e.g. brand or company name), Type of management system(e.g. quality, environment) and applicable standards, Includes the certification organization that issued the certificate.

If the use of authentication marks is restricted
  • Product or Unit Packaging : Packaging units that cannot be distributed alone, such as items in minimum unit for product distribution and containers such as cigarette prices, cans, and soda cans
  • Statement of trade sample or other product suitability
  • Test report, calibration report, or inspection report of a laboratory
  • It is possible for a non-building or vehicle manufacturer to attach certification marks to a building or vehicle to facilitate its own management system certification.
  • Note 1 : However, without marking on the packaging of the product, it may be displayed as 'OOs manufactured under a system that has obtained KS Q ISO 9001 certification from K-Certi'.
    Note 2 : Type labels or identification plates are considered part of the product.The wording and accompanying information shall not imply that the product, process, and service have been certified as a management system.

Promote and restrict certification marks

When referring to an authentication status in a forwarding media such as the Internet, brochures, advertisements, or other documents, you must comply with the following requirements.

  • Do not make or allow misleading statements about certification
  • Do not use part of the certificate in a misleading way
  • In case of suspension or cancellation of accreditation, the use of all promotional statements mentioned in relation to the certification authority is stopped. In case of reduced scope of accreditation, all promotional materials are modified.
  • Does not mention product (including services) or process certification
  • Does not imply that certification applies to activities other than the scope of certification and to workplaces
  • Do not use certification in such a way as to damage the reputation of K-Certi or the certification system and cause the loss of public trust
  • Product or product packaging shall not use certification marks, certification organization names, certification standards or certification numbers, nor shall they be used in such a manner as to be interpreted as a sign of conformity with other products;
  • It is not allowed to advertise the fact of certification using absolute expressions with exclusivity without objectively recognized grounds, such as 'the world's first ISO 9001 certification from OO' and must comply with the process transaction guidelines regarding the display and advertisement of awarded, certification, etc.
  • Unknown expressions such as 'certified by ISO' , 'ISO certification', 'ISO certificate' and 'ISO registration' cannot be used
  • accreditation mark and certification organization mark may not be carried over, transferred or sold to a third party
  • Note 1 : The above actions may include calls for corrective and corrective action, suspension and cancellation of certification, publication of violations, and, if necessary, legal action.Existing documents, media, etc. that are already displayed should take appropriate action within one month of the expiration date of the certification mark.

Misuse of certification marks

  • If the authentication organization misuses the authentication mark either intentionally or unintentionally, it will be considered an negligence/deceptive misuse and the authentication will be revoked. Proper use of certification marks is an obligation of the certification organization.Any misuse of the certification mark (or certificate) must comply with the action requirements of K-Certi. The above actions may include demands for corrective and corrective action, suspension and cancellation of certification, publication of violations, and, if necessary, legal action.
    • Simple misuse - Until the certification organization immediately reclaims the wrong print or corrects the misuse, It stops.If corrective action is not taken within one month, certification will be revoked.
    • negligence/deceptive misuse - If the authentication organization misuses the authentication mark either intentionally or unintentionally, it will be considered an negligence/deceptive misuse and the authentication will be revoked.Repeated simple misuse is considered negligence.
  • If the certification mark continues to be used after an accreditation suspension or cancellation, or if a false certification mark of an uncertified agency is used, it shall be discarded in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Act on the Fairness of Marking and Advertising.K-Certi will report such facts to KAB.

  • Contact
  • Verification Team      02-864-9800
